Sunday, October 19, 2008

General Reflections on the UP series:

I believe that the series demonstrates a lot in the themes of culture, background and youth.

Firstly, the theme of culture & background is present through the class system. Whether you are from a middle class east end London area, a Liverpool suburb, out in the country or really wealthy and privileged it defines who we are. Our attributes; our family, friends, foes, likes, dislikes, habits, are all connected some way or another to the environment in which we live in.

Secondly, the theme of youth is very intriguing and mostly explored by the directors and makers of the series. In the life of a young child what ideas, hopes, dreams, likes & dislikes do they have? When did cognitive thinking, perceiving and reasoning develop or influence from at a young age?

- I believe that the film delved into all issues surrounding us in the past and present time as well as exploring how our personality is programmed into society.
- The series is also valid in reviewing how the lives of children in 1963 differ to our lives in 2008, for example; clothing styles, hobbies, schooling.
- How will this documentary influence the children’ lives and future expectations compared to other children of the same age?
- How do our choices and mistakes vary and how or why do we change through our lives?